Episode 2: House Tour!

“Hi and welcome back to the Sims 4 Big Brother Challenge! This is your host Talking Armchair once more, presenting to you…the House.

“This is the dwelling our 8 lucky contestants will be living in for the next 6 weeks.

In the outdoor area we have a fake hot tub and a pool that won’t involve any deaths…

Stepping into the entrance we’ll see the hallway leading off on the left to the living, dining and kitchen areas. On the right it leads to the toilet, bedrooms, and the Challenge Room.

The living room. No TV.

A cosy corner for people to plot.

The kitchen, a place for microwaveable meals and autumn salads. And fires.

The dining area.

Going back to the main entrance and turning right brings us to another area along the hallway where people can plot and discuss strategies.”

A/N: Allowing “plotting” in mind since Sims can’t control themselves and since it makes for more drama 😉

“A tiny outdoor space with a bench in case somebody wants to nap there totally not a hint at all at things to come

Opposite the small enclosed garden we have the toilet!

Another space for people to chat and discuss strategies. Drama please!

The toilet.

And…the Challenge Room! The first challenge of the week is: Painting.

The communal bedroom.

And last but definitely not least, the room for the HoH. Unfortunately due to certain regulations from our executive producers we were unable to procure locks for the HoH room door. Thus it is with great sadness that our HoH cannot be granted sole access to the room due to the absence of locks. As we feel that it is unfair to lock the HoH up for one entire week, we can only make do with allow him/her privileged access for one day, and access to a tablet for that period of time.”

A/N: Doors can’t be locked in the Sims 4…yet. Unfortunately. 😦

A personal bathroom!

So that concludes the House Tour; join us in the next episode where the contestants enter the House, and when the challenge truly starts. Let’s hope all our Sims are ready for the challenge!”

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